Properties to Annex
Item 1 2019 Preliminary Appraisal Values.pdf
Item 1 2020 Budget Worksheets Property Tax.pdf
Item 1 Budget Request Council (002) GDH.pdf
Item 2 City of Mineola_Council Relations Policy DRAFT.pdf
Item 3 Annexation Timeline.pdf
Item 3 Example Annexation Letter.pdf
Item 3 Ordinance re Annexation.pdf
Item 3 Propertes Minwood.pdf
Item 3 RESOLUTION Authorizing Initiation of Annexation.pdf
Item 4 Advisory Board Review spreadsheet 6-10-2019 2.pdf
Item 4 BOARD BYLAW REVIEW recommendations- NOTES.pdf
Item 4 Bylaws findings - narrative.pdf
Item 4 Park Open Spaces roster.pdf